Watermelon Salad Watermelon Salad Watermelon Salad Appetizers & Snacks, Summer BBQ mevato2023-11-15T21:18:21+00:00 15 min Servings: 4-6
Stuffed Grape Leaves Stuffed Grape Leaves Stuffed Grape Leaves Main Dishes, Ramadan Recipes mevato2024-03-07T18:19:23+00:00 60min Servings: 6
Red Lentil Soup Red Lentil Soup Red Lentil Soup Ramadan Recipes, Sides mevato2024-03-07T18:18:41+00:00 30 min Servings: 6
Molokhia Molokhia Molokhia Main Dishes, Ramadan Recipes mevato2024-03-07T18:20:03+00:00 45min Servings: 6
Ziyad Mansaf with Jameed Ziyad Mansaf with Jameed Ziyad Mansaf with Jameed Main Dishes, Ramadan Recipes mevato2024-03-07T18:19:50+00:00 45min Servings: 6
Makloubeh Makloubeh Makloubeh Main Dishes, Ramadan Recipes mevato2024-03-07T18:20:24+00:00 60 min Servings: 6